Concession Express is a concession inventory module shipped with Sensible Cinema's Box Office for Windows. This software lets you create and maintain multiple database files so you can have inventory files for several locations, snack bars or take daily and weekly counts and keep them seperate. In addition to inventory of sales and non-sales items, the Concession Express software permits the automatic creation of purchase orders based on par levels, computation of yields for drinks and popcorn sales and historical sales.

The sales item database maintains your selling items, prices, quantity on hand, re-order level and quantity and tracks sales of each item based on physical counts during inventory.

During the 'take inventory' process using the Sales Item Inventory wizard, your physical counts for each product are entered as well as damaged item counts and new stock received during the reporting period. The system will then multiply your adjusted inventory by each item's sales price. Once all sales are tabulated they are compared to concession cash for the sales period.