● Advance Tickets can be sold in advance as many days as desired
● Reminders for oversell prevention, sale in progress, feature has started
● Online Ticket Sales
● Up to 99 security levels allow you to customize access to features like reports and refunding
● Same ticket inventory and series for on-site and internet sales with instant availability update
● Sales for up to 30 movies per business day
● 10 price categories for 3D features, 10 price categories for standard or 2D features
● Sales for up to 10 show times per screen per day
● Same feature can be programmed for different auditoriums by showtime
● Support for standard ticket printers and economy receipt style printers
● Several ticket styles available for receipt printers
● Credit Card and Gift Card Integration through our supported processors
● Easy advance sales as far ahead as desired
● Combo sales terminals allow concession and tickets to be sold in a single transaction
● Up to 99 security levels allow you to customize access to features like reports and refunding
● Drive-In Theatre specific features including car count, window ticket showing single, double or triple bill, admissions info on all car occupants, screen number and radio frequency, concession specials, coming attractions, standard disclaimer and house rules and optional coupon area.