Sell tickets online in sync with your Sensible Cinema Box Office!
Sensible Cinema Software offers real time private label online ticketing for your Sensible Cinema Box Office. Drive traffic to your own website, not a site with every theatre in town. While they're there, make the sale! Sell as far in advance as you like.
It's affordable, even for low volume outlets and the costs are largely paid by the convenience fee added to each ticket sold. The theatre retains 100% of the ticket's face value. Set the convenience fee as you like. Simply pay the agreed to fee per ticket (which depends on the type of theatre and price points)
The customer simply presents a confirmation code upon arrival. Online purchases can be redeemed at a Sensible Cinema Kiosk (provided with all Jack Roe online ticketing merchants) or at any register—including concessions. Let them skip the box office altogether and pick up their tickets where they purchase their popcorn.
User Interfaces
Theaters can choose from a basic interface pictured at the upper right or a full-multimedia web site interface. Both work with mobile devices.
Reserved Seating
Reserved Seating is available as an option for Sensible Cinema Customers with Reserved Seating License Add-On.
Consignment sales with Fandango permit buyers to find your theatre among all theaters in your market. Tickets sold on Fandango are sold in real-time synchronization with your Sensible Cinema POS.
A confirmation number and/or QR Code with the confirmation code is presented at the POS at any register or the Sensible Cinema Kiosk for check-in. This code is validated in the system and an actual ticket bearing the day, date, movie title, ticket category, ticket number, and seating assignment is printed.